How to Properly Take Care of Your Dental Bridge
Your bridge deserves as just as much care as the rest of your smile

Dental Bridge

Dental bridges are composed of two or more dental crowns that are placed onto adjacent teeth (otherwise known as abutments), with the artificial dental replacement (pontic) attached to the crowns on either end. But while these pontics may be close to the surface of the gum where the natural tooth once was, there are still micro gaps that exist between the pontic and gum - making an ideal environment for plaque and bacteria to accumulate and fester.

This is why applying proper oral hygiene practices to your dental bridge is critical in order to prevent periodontal (gum) disease and tooth decay that can eventually result in the loss of the abutment teeth and dental bridge.

Why is it necessary to clean a dental bridge daily?

But luckily, dental implants offered by our network of preferred provider dentists in Ontario are a wonderful restorative option for patients with one or more missing teeth.

How to properly clean a dental bridge

  • 1. Choose the right tool to clean under your dental bridge

    Regular dental floss is incapable of reaching between or under the bridge - so it’s recommended to use either superfloss, a floss threader, an interdental brush, or even a water pick to gently remove food debris and bacteria from under your dental bridge.
  • 2. Use the proper technique

    To clean your bridge using superfloss, first insert the stiff end into the small gap between the bridge and tooth, gently pulling the superfloss until the spongey floss section reaches the bridge. Next, wrap the spongey floss around the natural tooth, sliding it up and down to give the adjacent tooth surface a clean.

    Following that, you’ll want to gently use a back-and-forth motion with the spongey floss between the gum and base of the bridge to eliminate bacteria from underneath the false tooth, and then wrap the spongey floss around the natural tooth at the other side of the bridge, and slide it up and down in order to clean the surface of the adjacent tooth. Finally, slowly pull the superfloss out from the space between the tooth and bridge.
  • 3. Brush and floss your teeth as you normally would

    Following the cleaning of your dental bridge, simply brush your teeth as you would do so normally - ideally gently using a soft bristled brush and for two full minutes (which should be performed twice a day).

How to remove stains from a dental bridge

While keeping your bridge clean is one thing, preventing stains is a whole other ball game. Stains will naturally occur over time, especially with the regular consumption of stain-causing foods and beverages such as berries, wine and coffee.

The best way to treat stains on your dental bridge is to prevent them from happening in the first place. This can be accomplished by being sure to rinse your mouth with water following the consumption of these stain-causing substances. Gentle twice-daily brushing and cleaning as mentioned above will also play a role in helping to prevent stains.

But when it comes to the removal of stains from a dental bridge, traditional teeth whitening treatments created for natural teeth won’t be effective. That’s why visiting your local Ontario dentist and hygienist is your best bet! The hygienist has special tools that he or she can use to scrape away stains from your fixed dental bridge (and the rest of your natural smile) - so you can leave the office feeling brighter and fresher.

Have more questions on how to properly care for your dental bridge?

Our Network of Preferred Provider Dentists in Ontario would be glad to help! Locate a Teeth First Dental Clinic nearest you today.